Love and the Chance of Rejection

The Universe works in mysterious ways. We live and learn. Sometimes the lesson is obvious and sometimes it isn’t. I don’t know if it’s years of auditioning that gave me the tools to not take rejection too personally, but I’m glad I don’t. (most of the time) I am human though!

Rejection is never an easy pill to swallow especially when it has to do with the opposite sex. Unlike applying for a job it isn’t as simple as you didn’t have enough experience or you can’t speak another language, it’s personal. Rejection sometimes forces us to look in the mirror and reevaluate who we are. It can deflate us for a while but also gives us time to change and grow. When we are ready, willing and able we try again. Distraction is sometime just what the doctor ordered, however it can also deviate us from the lesson we need to learn.

We have all heard the line “It’s not YOU it’s ME” and as much as I’d like to believe it isn’t ME, sometimes it is. Every now and then someone points out the not so obvious to us and we learn a few things about who we are. We can either grow and expand in that moment or we can close our eyes and believe it’s not us, it’s them! My only advice, dig deep or you’re going again! If you find yourself in the same or similar situation again and again, chances are you’re just not getting it. Dig Deeper! Nobody is perfect! We are all far from it…which is a good thing!

When we do finally relax and let go of all our baggage and issues and accept ourselves for who we are flaws and all, we have a much better chance of finding real love. When real true love comes our way, no one can stop it. There is no rejection. There is passion, want and need all mixed up in an intoxicating concoction waiting for both male and female energies to allow them to mix!

When two people meet and open their hearts to love it’s a beautiful thing. Love and taking a chance of rejection is all part of finding the right person.

I came across this on Facebook and I had to share it. Isaac definitely lifted my spirits in regard to love after watching it! Although I am not a fan of public proposals this was creative and unique! How could she possibly say no to him! I loved her reaction!

P.S ~ It’s my daughter Jordan’s Birthday today, she turns 11! She is the most beautiful little girl human on this planet! (her friends are pretty darn cute too) She is an old soul that teaches me about life each and everyday we share together. One thing I hope I have taught her is to always take a chance on love in-spite of rejection.

Take Chances in life Jo! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY GIRL! Sweet Kiss

"Exploring the never-ending desires that fuel all life, while finding lyrical beauty in everyday happenings."


  • Jane


    Someone will come along and sweep you off you’re feet and you will fall in love. That special person will have to be a romantic just like you and want to spend the rest of his life wanting to make every day beautiful for you. And he will get back ten times more from you as that is how you are. Never under estimate yourself as most men “need to be the center of attention.” You are far to precious to settle for someone like that. There still are a few gems out there patience is a virtue. xoxo
    Happy Birthday sweet Jordan, you take after that Mom of yours.

  • Rick Rae

    Tracy !
    I have big tears rolling down my face ! You Brat ! But thank you so much for the moment ! You Rock …. and you can write too !
    I needed this today !

    Thanks Again ! Differance Maker ! 🙂

  • Bonnie Johnson

    In hindsight, most rejection is a blessing. It may not be obvious right away so you just need to trust that it is so. It’s easy to prove this by looking back at some possibilities that looked rosy at the time but…

    Then there is the power of perseverance, for example, Kathryn Stockett’s novel “The Help” (one of my favourites) was rejected a whopping 60 times before it was finally published. I’m impressed that she never gave up and kept tweaking and re-submitting it until it all fell into place for her. Belief in a dream is powerful!

    I have to add that I’m surprised that you posted a “proposal” video after your comment on the marriage proposal video I posted last year:
    “Should those ‘special’ moments just be special between the two of you? It would make it easier to embellish if it were. I guess if you weren’t sure your partner was going to say yes you wouldn’t film it. How many would be able to say no if a camera was rolling? Makes you wonder how many have followed through with the wedding?”

    Ha! You must be feeling sentimental and less cynical these days .

  • Tracy Westerholm

    I think we can all relate to love AND rejection.
    Thank you all for all your kinds words, my hope in writing is to be relatable.

    Thank you again for your support and words of kindness! You are indeed a difference maker! Nice to know that the male energy can still have a tear flow and embrace it, a very attractive quality in a man! xo

    I agree with you about hindsight…it just takes so freakin long sometimes!!! lol My problem is I don’t just look back to my past I go back to it!!! lol over and over again until I’ve exhausted all possibilities! I have to shed my belief that meeting a man whom I’ve had a history with is a good thing? I just heard you sigh from here!!

    Life is all about tweaking and unfolding and changing and moving forward isn’t it! Maybe because I haven’t been comfortable for so long I am starting to think about how nice it once felt?

    I knew you would bring up my comment on your previous post! I did say I wasn’t a fan of public proposals but after reading my comment again I’d have to agree I must be feeling a little sentimental and less cynical right now. 😉 xoxoox

    Patience has never been one of my strong suits but perhaps that is one of my lessons I am finally learning, letting go and not giving up. So far it appears to be working…but I won’t hold my breath! Ebb and flow…right? xoxoxo

  • Francesco

    Tara gals… have read every posting since you started… Each of you has created, stimulated and found a way to share the many pearls of life that reside sometimes unseen inside and around us. Thankyou. You should consider collecting and condensing them into another form. It seems like a natural step for you… please continue. XO

    • Tracy Westerholm

      Francesco! Thank YOU so much for your support and thought provoking comments over the years! Wow every single post! xoxoxo Mwah!
      Your words come at such a great time for me! I thank you for that! You’re a sweet-heart! xo

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