My Birthday otherwise known as Valentine’s Day!

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Valentine’s Day to me is the world of marketing all coming together to remind everyone who has ever met me that my birthday is coming!  I’m sort of kidding.

As a child I was special because I was born on the day of Love!  This special feeling lasted until…. well to be really honest I’m still feelin it.

My Mom and Dad both made a big deal about my birthday and we always celebrated me being their ‘love child’.

I loved the whole idea of sending a Valentine to the boy you had a crush on and hoping he reciprocated.  It took a lot of nerve to actually put the card in the mailbag.

I don’t know if being born on Valentine’s Day is why I love romance but it sure helps.

I will spend the day ballroom dancing, flirting, meeting in secret places for just one passionate kiss and when the oven buzzer goes off and I find myself standing in the kitchen, not the woods with a white horse and ridiculously handsome man next to me, I will take the cupcakes out of the oven and watch my two love children ice them with pink frosting.  Perfect!

pink cupcakesTracy

"Exploring the never-ending desires that fuel all life, while finding lyrical beauty in everyday happenings."


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