Truth Be Told ~
The truth can crack your heart forever, it can also set you free. A double edged sword for sure. It can surprise us like watching Bambi vs Godzilla for the first time! You can’t change what you don’t know. It can be refreshing and hard to hear all at the same time.
I love the male energy as you all know. I have lots of male friends and love each and every one of them because they speak the truth. Men in general are uncomplicated creatures. Women on the other hand, can make the simplest thing the most elaborate undertaking. <~~~~ me included…apparently ((((smile)))
Complication seeps in when we over think things, in my opinion. If we can stay in the moment and follow our heart and live lean we have less to worry about which releases the complicated factors. Back to basics. When I just go where the wind blows me I don’t seem to have a care in the world and life just seems to happen. Somewhere along the line I lost my carefree self. I come back for visits now and then but never seemed to unpack my bag for long. Now I can’t even find the bag, maybe that’s the problem, there was no bag to find!
We have learned over time to add layers to our truth complicating it each time and so it’s sometimes difficult to peel them off and see what really lies deep beneath our coat of social acceptance and behaviours. I find the truth to be an incredibly attractive quality, even when the words are not what I hoped to hear. A person who can speak the truth is allowing things to just flow as they should, not worrying about time lines or selfish needs. When did I stop just going with the flow? When did I stop saying in a southern drawl “Well whyyyyy not!”
Words spoken from the heart are raw and untouched not influenced by the beliefs of society. They are unique to who releases them and those who embrace them. I have faced many truths in the last 5 year that have lead me to find out more about who I am. Just when I thought I figured out who I was becoming another truth is gently handed to me. Sometimes we meet kind souls who take chances in exposing the underlying realities of who we are, that we don’t see in the mirror. If we are ready to hear the words we can move a step closer to having a quiet mind. The questions cease, our inner dialogue starts to whisper and we find ourselves more open and willing to see what needs to change. We become free. There is nothing purer than simple freedom. Freedom within ourselves.
I was handed a gentle truth and for the most part I didn’t want to hear it, but I did. I looked within myself and accepted it as a gift. I processed it and agreed for the most part that I needed to hear it. I asked a question and was given an honest answer.
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.”
Thank you for those who are brave enough to tell the truth.
Tracy Westerholm
"Exploring the never-ending desires that fuel all life, while finding lyrical beauty in everyday happenings."
One Comment
Good post Tracy.
The only problem is some people never want to hear the truth about themselves. They can only see the truth about the people around them,believing they are exempt. Good friends are honest and truthful to each other and accepting.