A Mothers Plea
I write because I have to, it is a force within me I can not ignore. I write because it is therapeutic and I find solace that maybe just one other human being will relate to my words. Writing makes me feel not alone in this sometimes very large scary world in which we live.
I am strong and independent and positive beyond the norm, I can find the silver lining in almost any dark stormy cloud, but I am only human.
It’s easy to turn a negative into a positive when it comes to life in general. I have taught myself to rise above the negative and consciously choose happiness where I find a brighter side.
~Love, I have faith that I will find love one day and share moments in time with a man who fills my hearts with peace.
~Health, I will get through anything this life sends my way. Jill Brzezinski-Conley showed me how grace and love along with support got her to a place of rest in the most beautiful heart warming way.
~Politics, I have faith in the human race to choose wisely, making this world a safer place to thrive for all humanity.
I have faith in all outside sources, but nothing can break the heart or debilitate a Mother like the worry for her child.
I write today from a Mothers heart which feels the pain of even the slightest unsettledness of her child. Being a Mother has been the hardest thing I have ever done. I knew from a very young age that one of my main purposes in life was to be a Mom. Another is to give love and acceptance to those who cross my path.
When your kids are young you focus on their safety and wellbeing. You are responsible for their survival. I was fortunate and I am grateful to have been at home with mine for over 10 years. It wasn’t a sacrifice, it was a choice. I chose to leave my career and do my best to raise two human beings who would make a difference in the world. The moment I heard their heart beat, I loved them more than everything else. My heart expanded more than I could have ever imagined. I was to be a Mom. That alone was a gift. They were mine to guide and protect with my life, along side their Dad.
Kids grow and unfold, becoming their own person. They stretch their wings in different ways, some soar and some crash to the ground. Sometimes we can relate, and there are times we don’t understand, but we try, we listen, we learn, and we give them love and support. It’s natural that they cause us grief from time to time. Just as we caused or still cause our parents many sleepless nights.
But when does your heart stop hurting when they start to walk down a path you know is not what you taught. When does your heart stop hurting when you try to guide them but they don’t want to listen. When does your heart have the courage and faith to let go so they can walk on their own. How does a Mom let go when she knows the world is big and scary and not everyone survives.
When do you close your eyes and trust they will be just fine…
My Plea to my kids…
Please remember I love you with every ounce of my being.
Please remember each night wherever you lay your head that I am thinking of you and hoping you are safe and warm with a belly full of food, and your beautiful creative mind is at peace.
Please remember that I am always here in a time of need and that no problem is too big for me to handle. You are never alone.
Please remember that when you think you can’t, I KNOW you can. I know you better than you know you and yes, yes you certainly can.
Please remember you are worthy of love from someone out of this world special, because you are amazing!
Please know that you are my favourite part of life, so do all you can to not take that away from me. This world would not be the same without you in it. This world can be cruel and unkind but it can also be the most beautiful amazing experience you have ever had.
Please know that even when you think you are too deep to see the sun from the place you have fallen, that it is there, waiting for you to raise your chin up and see the light in all it’s natural glory. The sun will shine upon your face just as the shadow will fall behind you.
Please know that together we can do anything your heart desires, because I believe in you, because I know you.
Please know that you ARE love. You are the source of love and the reason for my love.
Please know I will not let you go unprepared to face the world, I will always be here no matter where you walk, no matter when you fall. I will be there when you pick yourself up and I will help brush you off and we will walk again towards the sun.
Please know that my heart aches for you, I have been you, and seen the things you see, felt the pains your heart feels and have overcome them just as you will.
Please know that just as the sun sets, the moon rises, as the rain falls, the flowers grow…
Please know…
now go clean your room~
Mom xo
Tracy Westerholm
"Exploring the never-ending desires that fuel all life, while finding lyrical beauty in everyday happenings."
Life is meant to be shared ~
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I real love from a Mom.xo
Tracy Westerholm
As real as love can be…xo
Marina Perera
We all come to the realization of a Mothers Love when we become one , and through loss . As I continue to giive love , I also miss the love that my precious Mom bestowed on me each and everyday of her life . Now I carry her legacy .
Beautifully, and aticulately expressed Tracy .
Beautiful as always, Tracy. Being a parent and letting them spread their wings is hard every day.
Your kids are lucky to have a wonderful spirit like you as their mom.
You are a fantastic Mom, all you can do now is rely on what you have taught them growing up. They will make some mistakes but I am sure they will learn from them as you have done. Communicating like you do, they will always be close. xo
Bonnie Johnson
Please know that you are an amazing mother full of unconditional love and your children feel it and are grateful for it always. YOU are their sunshine and their light. Your love is a safe beacon, its power pulsing in time to the beat of their hearts. Feel proud of all you’ve given of yourself. Happy Mothers Day beautiful! xoxo
Tracy Westerholm
Thank you my beautiful, caring, supportive, amazing best friend! Hardest thing I have ever done, (being a Mom) period! I remember you saying to me at one of my lowest points in life, that it is also the path of my kids and that they too had lessons to learn along the way. I was here to show them that no matter what comes their way, with love we will survive anything! Best advice ever! It taught me how to let go of what was not meant for me and push forward! I love you forever and always! xoxo
Tracy your writing is an inspiration to all who read your words. Your Dad and I are so proud of how much you have accomplished on your own raising two teenagers. It is not always a rewarding scenario every day, but the stamina and persistence that you show daily proves that you are right on track as a good Mom. They will spread their wings at different stages of their life and the proof of them growing into well balanced and caring. loving people will be your end result. Love and respect will reap your efforts .
Tracy Westerholm
I love you both so much! I am eternally grateful to have you both so close! I couldn’t have done it without you! Love forever and always!
Tracy words truly from the heart of a loving Mom.
Through the years you have sowed the seeds of a mothers love, every family has some blips along the way, you have challenged them and moved on to a productive life for your family. You can only be there to guide and support them in the years to come, and hope they find the direction to live a rewarding future. You have given them both a good foundation to live by.
Now it is up to them to take up the challenges that life has to offer.
I have the faith that they both will.
Your loving Mom.
Bob W
Tracy, those eloquent words come right from your heart, and have such meaning, thanks for sharing your thoughts!