

TracyHave you ever stood gazing into the eyes of a man and found yourself being turned on by his intellect. No…me neither, but by his body for sure! I’m kidding! I absolutely love in-depth conversations with the opposite sex. Intellect is sexy and when you add a splash of humour (insert angels singing here)…irresistible! When a man and women are intellectually connected it’s stimulating beyond control. The right conversation gets the juices flowing leaving us tingling with excitement! Its like a duel with dialog! Imagine that for a moment (day dream pause) a handsome guy who knows how to turn you on with his mouth using intellect! Women don’t want cheesy lines or cheap verses they want a man with substance who can also teach them something outside of the bedroom. That’s sexy!

I am not talking about men who have the gift of the gab I mean men who are incapable of being manipulated by women who use their sexuality as a tool to get what they want! Men who are looking for a woman to turn their brain on excites me! Conversation is key to any relationship lasting past the bedroom. You can be sexually attracted to someone and not have anything in common when it comes to intellect. Eye candy just doesn’t cut it when you want to take it to the next level! I’d give up the candy to have the man who can seduce me with his mind any day! I love smart men!

Knowledge is power and with power comes responsibility. Doesn’t the handsome man in the picture above look like he would be intellectually stimulating, powerful, responsible and incredibly sexy all at the same time? Great ad campaign if he’s not!

Seeking more knowledge allows growth of the human mind. I find a man who seeks knowledge very attractive, it shows a thirst for life. It shows they’re always wanting more, in turn making me want more…in more ways than one! Intellect is sexy!

~ The photo above is from the website Alex Cannon one of the leaders in fashionable sportswear, New York!

Tracy signiture

"Exploring the never-ending desires that fuel all life, while finding lyrical beauty in everyday happenings."

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