Artist ~ Robert Westerholm

Yesterday I chose to write about Artist Kathy Kromer, today I would like to write about another Artist that I have admired my entire life, my Dad, Robert Westerholm. Today is my Dad birthday so I thought it was fitting to write about him on this special day.

Happy Birthday Dad!

My Dad is one of the most creative people I have ever known. Born and raised in Vancouver, he attended the old Vancouver School of Art and is known primarily for his finely detailed pen and ink drawings. I draw stick people. I may not have inherited his artistic talent in the art sense but I know for sure I got his sense of humour and passion for writing, so I’m happy! 🙂

Since my daughter was very little she loved to sit and draw with my Dad and it’s becoming apparent that she too got the artistic gene from him. My Dad wanted to posted a painting Jordan did on his website when she was 6 and when he asked her permission to display it, her only concern was that he was going to put his name on it and not give her credit! lol Random thought here but have you ever played Pictionary with an artist? You NEVER win when you are paired up with them but man does their picture ever look real! lol Like Kathy Kromer my Dad became an artist through perseverance and practise, which basically means Never Give Up!

My Dad is also a writer, I think I was lucky to get a sliver of his genetics in that department! His words are like reading poetry, so visually descriptive, obviously coming from a man with an incredible imagination! Check out his website Caterwauls or his original blog Caterwauls if you would like to laugh out loud, get lost in his imagination, or be stimulated by his thought process, all of the above will happen depending on how much time you spend meandering through his site. His advice to me when I started on my writing adventure was to just go for it! I have a lot to learn but I think that’s the best part!

His artwork has been in many different Galleries over the years and is recognized by his detailed Vancouver scenes. But if art, music and writing weren’t enough to stir his creative juices, maybe acting will, perhaps you will recognize his handsome face from commercial, print and film work he’s done! What I love about my Dad the most is that he just keeps going, reaching and searching for what stimulates his mind and stirs the creative soul he was born with! I am very proud of my Dad as you can see and love spending time with him just talking about stuff. When I am in his presence there is never a dull moment! He has always inspired me to follow my heart with a wide open mind! I love you Dad! xo

On The Fraser by RC Westerholm (copyright)

The Yoyo by RC Westerholm (copyright)
Western Breeze by RC Westerholm (copyright)
Vancouver by RC Westerholm (copyright)

"Exploring the never-ending desires that fuel all life, while finding lyrical beauty in everyday happenings."


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