• Life is meant to be shared ~

    “I just need to find someone to share it with” is what I keep hearing from those around me. I can relate as I’m sure many of you can. Life is meant to be shared. Sharing it with friends and family…

  • 50 Shades of Grey ~ Mommy Porn?

    I am not generally a follower, more of a leader but I couldn’t resist finding out what all the fuss was about so I caved and bought the trilogy ‘50 Shades of Grey’. Everywhere I turn I hear someone say…

  • Raise Your Hand If You Like SEx?

    Raise your hand if you like Sex! Raise BOTH if you LOVE sex! Bonnie sit down! It’s amazing if you’re with the right partner. If you didn’t raise your hand maybe it’s your partner that’s all wrong? Did you just s-l-o-w-l-y…

  • Are You Comfortable Naked!

    I want the truth. Are you comfortable with your naked body? More specifically, are you comfortable with your naked body with your partner in the room? I know every woman who is reading this has questions such as; “what kind of…

  • Svaha Spirit Series ~ True Love

    Born on Valentine’s Day it only seems natural that I am attracted to love. Although my idea of love has changed over the years I still believe in true love. I grew up believing that love lasts forever. I still…

  • That’s the Story of my Life

    If you were to write a screenplay of your life, what movie genre would it fall into… and who would you want to play you and why! Jacquie’s Take~ I thought about this idea as I was looking through a…

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