• Life is meant to be shared ~

    “I just need to find someone to share it with” is what I keep hearing from those around me. I can relate as I’m sure many of you can. Life is meant to be shared. Sharing it with friends and family…

  • When Chemistry Heats Up ~

    Sexual chemistry can heat up soon after our first impression of the opposite sex or same sex. We are attracted to different traits and have a unique list of personal preferences. We tune into every little detail. We begin profiling…

  • Would You, Should You, Could You Internet Date?

    Is it really that hard to meet someone? I’ve been unattached for a year and a half and have had Internet Dating Services come up in conversations with friends more than a few times.   😉 Here is my take…

  • In the Mind of a Hopeless Romantic~

    It’s like a record playing over and over in your head, the song you just can’t stop humming. It’s become so familiar that it is a part of who you are. It’s not just in my head, I feel it…

  • Kissing XXX

    “I believe in long, slow, deep, wet kisses that last three days” quote, Kevin Costner’s character from the movie ‘Bull Durham’.  A classic line.  You know what they say, those who are talking about it aren’t doing it!  But are…

  • Cheating…

    I’ve been wondering lately, not for any specific reason, why more women are  entertaining the thought of having  a fling or affair of the heart.  I have a wide circle of friends and this topic eventually comes around the room…

  • Chemistry…

    What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “Chemistry”.  If it’s your high school Periodic table of the Elements, then we’re not on the same page, but keep reading because it feels like being back…

  • Beyond Marriage…part one

    Before anything else I really want to say “Happy Birthday” to ‘a really good friend of mine’.   He is spontaneous, charismatic and a seeker of knowledge.  He has all the qualities of a true warrior; discipline, strength of mind…

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