Unresolved Romance…

Is it me or has EVERYONE had an unresolved romance at some point in their lives? I’ve had a couple. One was a marathon that lasted years and the other was over before it started that left me wondering what happened.

These romances can be viewed two different ways; one with my hopeless romantic mind that sweeps me away to my happy place in the clouds, and the other, reality based that comes crashing down right in-front of me missing my head by centimetres screamingHE’S FROM URANUS NOT FROM MARS LET IT GO!” Okay not ALL men are from Uranus but I’ve personally met a few to back that statement up. My problem, I still want to believe in romance and love. Reality can bite me!

Now that I’ve matured (HA), sorted out my unresolved romances, gained wisdom (Double HA), don’t believe everything I hear even if it’s a really great compliment (depends on the compliment), I can jump in with both feet with no fear of someone coming back to haunt me. I’ve learned to take everything slower. (Okay that’s such a load of crap I can’t believe I actually wrote that!)

When you meet someone who knocks you off your feet its hard to ignore. If you meet someone who knocks you off your feet and you have an unresolved romance, you’re not seeing the whole picture clearly. If you can’t jump in without looking back, you have an unresolved romance on your hands.

What I do know from my own experience is that if you don’t resolve a romance before you dip your toe into another one…it gets messy. Unresolved romance can hover over you like a black cloud if you don’t sort it out.

It’s important to start fresh and don’t bring old romances into new ones. Tidy up your house, tie up loose ends so you can jump in with both feet and NOT look back.

Live in the moment, ignore your ego, no regret, take chances, trust, open your heart and have no expectations. When you do resolve romance, it allows you to move forward to explore the possibilities standing right in front of you. You simply can’t have a plan when it comes to romance, but you need to enter into it feeling free and good to go!


"Exploring the never-ending desires that fuel all life, while finding lyrical beauty in everyday happenings."


    • Tracy Westerholm

      Hahaha I knew you’d laugh at those! Close the doors tight before you leave the room…lock them even! haha

      Hey! I don’t have any unresolved romances…no need for retraining in that respect…perhaps my parenting skills could use a little tweaking though. I think kids at some point need to see exactly who is bringing them up, really what makes me think I know what’s best for them when they hit a certain age?
      I am who I am and that’s not likely to change any time soon! I want to be like the parents in the movie “Easy A” is that such a bad thing? hahaha

  • jacquie

    I don’t think there is such a thing as an unresolved romance, just unresolved feelings about a past romantic partner maybe? If the relationship is over then it’s basically resolved, though you may not like the outcome.
    I have often wondered why a particular relationship ended. Going back and figuring out where it went bust can be very helpful going forward in your next relationships. I’ve questioned my motives in past relationships and by doing so learned a lot about who I am and what I want. Even when Mr X dumped me and I was devastated, I still finally figured out it was for the best, eventually.
    I’d love for a particular Ex to know how terrific my life has turned out – without him. Is this unresolved romance? I think it’s just me wanting to smoosh my happiness in his face : ) So sue me, I’m human.

    • Tracy Westerholm

      “Smoosh my happiness in his face” hahaha, yes you are human! funny!

      I get what you are saying Jacquie. Romances that I thought should have been were not for a reason sometimes not seen for a very long time. Women dwell, or at least I did. It was my romantic nature that held on for so long. I still feel I am the same person but now I believe what is meant to be will be…for however long it is meant to be for. A day a week a month a year…ya you get the picture. I try not to look into the future because the future is now…and now…and now.
      I can see why I wasn’t with someone I thought might be a match for me now, it’s always fun looking back connecting the dots of where you were and why you took the path you did. I am glad I am right here right now because life is amazing! xoxo

  • Kirk

    I agree with Jacquie, is it ever REALLY unresolved? I think it gets redefined, but there is always residual feelings left behind, (good, bad or otherwise). I do know something…. it makes for great songwriting! Yay heartbreak! Haha!


    • Tracy Westerholm

      So true isn’t heart break great writing material! The reason we all relate to music on the same level! I don’t however wish ANY heart break for you to inspire writing of that sort! Any emotion is a good one if it’s embraced for what it is and if you allow yourself to really ‘feeeeeel’ it! I love them all! xo

      • kirk

        Thanks Tracy,

        I have no heartbreak in my life right now, thankfully, (knock on wood) but I think we can all relate to it somewhere in our past, and for some, their present. There is a song, written by my friend Spencer and I called “Lonesome Moon”. It’s not about any one person, just full of metaphors about heartbreak. It’s about the Moon, being in love with the Sun, but she doesn’t love him back. I had a part with the music, but Spencer wrote the most amazing lyrics to it. I love how a song can touch you deeply, make you stop in your tracks, talk to you, and you can relate. Those are the best songs. Funny how you wrote about this subject, I was singing Lonesome Moon to my daughter about a half an hour before I read your post.


        • Tracy Westerholm

          I would love if you would share the lyrics with me! I would even love more to hear it! hint hint! Sounds like a touching song! I love the whole idea of the Moon being in Love with the Sun…has to be about heart break doesn’t it!
          “I love how a song can touch you deeply, make you stop in your tracks, talk to you, and you can relate.” Not only songs can do this to us, people can as well! 🙂
          Your daughter is the luckiest little darling ever to have a Daddy who sings to her! Beautiful vision indeed! xo

          • kirk


            Here are the lyrics… I’ll play it for you when I see you! (It’s much better with the music…)

            Poor, Lonesome moon.
            The stars have all arisen,
            they’re there to comfort you.

            They, said you were down.
            How you fell in love with someone
            who don’t want you around.

            Some things you want,
            you can’t have.
            You want them so bad,
            but they’ll drive you mad.
            The night, in love with the day,
            dreaming away,
            for the light of the day.

            Poor, Lonesome moon.
            She never wanted,
            never wanted, never wanted you.
            Poor, lonesome fool.
            She never wanted,
            never wanted, never wanted you.

            forget the sun.
            You’re only taken in by her.
            Just like everyone.

            Mend, this broken heart.
            Just hit the lights,
            and say goodnight,
            Take solace in the stars.

            Some things you want, you can’t have.
            You want them so bad,
            but they’ll drive you mad.
            The night, in love with the day,
            dreaming away, for the light of the day.

            Poor, Lonesome moon.
            She never wanted,
            Never wanted,
            never wanted you.
            Poor, lonesome fool.
            She never wanted,
            never wanted, never wanted you.

            ‘Night Tracy!


  • Tracy Westerholm

    Thank you for sharing the lyrics with me!!!! I LOVE them and can’t wait to hear the music that goes along with them! You are such an amazing man!
    The Moon in love with the Sun…ahhhh there is inevitable heart break or at least longing for in that combination!


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