The Truth About Power!
I was reading ‘O magazine’ the other night and found a great article on ‘Power People’ that I found interesting and wanted to share with you.
Selected Power People were asked to finish sentences and here are a few examples. Try to finish them for yourselves afterwards or even before you read what these Power Women have said. There was a lot more to this article if you want to pick up O magazine to read it for yourself.
Elizabeth Lesser: Co Founder of the Omega Institute
I feel true power when…“I trust my soul’s voice. I feel peaceful yet strong, gentle yet courageous.”
Too often people confuse power and …”Ego.”
I feel least powerful when…”I am stingy, fearful, or unloving.”
When I need a power boost…“I place my hand on my heart, take a deep breath, and feel my connection with everyone.”
Gloria Steinem: Writer and feminist activist
I feel true power when…“I hear someone say that anything I did or said or wrote helped to change her or his life for the better.”
Too often people confuse power and …”Money for it’s own sake.”
I feel least powerful when…”I’m misunderstood or am watching people be invisible or humiliated.”
When I need a power boost…”I sit in a circle with (mostly) women who also are trying to create a world in which everyone matters.”
Stacy Schiff: Pulitzer Prize-winning author
I feel true power when… “I unravel a problem to my satisfaction, which by definition means the problem was someone else’s in the first place.”
Too often people confuse power and…“Money, title, ambition, and a fancy address.”
I feel least powerful when… “I’m in the presence of a new piece of technology- and it’s operating manual.”
When I need a power boost… “I double the caffeine, turn up the music, and head out for a run.”
Here are my answers:
Tracy Westerholm: Co Creator of Tara Cronica
I feel true power when…“My mind, body and soul feel balanced and I am living in the moment.”
Too often people confuse power and…“Wealth and Occupation.”
I feel least powerful when…“I have neglected my exercise routine and not connected with my circle of close friends who always make me feel grounded.”
When I need a power boost…”I call a girlfriend and if there is no answer I put on my ipod and go for a long run to clear my mind and energise my soul, it’s all about balance.”
Ask yourself these questions and see what you come up with.
Oprah ended the article with this and I couldn’t agree more… The secret is alignment: when you know for sure that you’re on course and doing exactly what you’re suppose to be doing, fulfilling your soul’s intention, your heart’s desire, or whatever you choose to call it. (they’re all the same thing) When your life is on course with its purpose, you are your most powerful. And you may stumble, but you will not fall.
Tracy Westerholm
"Exploring the never-ending desires that fuel all life, while finding lyrical beauty in everyday happenings."
I will have to call it the same thing and that is alignment, different to me than balance. some search there whole life long for it . when you are aligned you have power, this is a process that requires work and attention.
I feel true power when…. I’ve done something to make someone else’s day easier, sometimes that just means making them laugh..
Too often people confuse power and…having a loud, aggressive voice. A powerful person doesn’t need to shout to make a point.
I feel least powerful when…I’m feeling insecure or misunderstood.
When I need a power boost….I come to my computer and check out wonderful art websites and it helps me to remember what my priorities are and that there is beauty out there everywhere if you look for it.
Bonnie Johnson
I feel true power when…I connect with my true inner self, my source.
Too often people confuse power… with social standing, rank and wealth.
I feel least powerful when…I’m misunderstood or feel I’m not heard at all.
When I need a power boost…I meditate