Just Let Go ~
Sometimes you just need to just let go with both hands! You don’t need to turn your back and walk away, just loosen your grip and let it slip, whatever ‘it’ is. It might be a job that isn’t inspiring you, a new romance that can’t quite find its way, a relationship that doesn’t feel right anymore but you can’t put your finger on why, or an answer to a question that keeps eluding you. No matter what it is if you give it back to the Universe and surrender I guarantee you will feel free and untangled. Clear your mind and let go of any thoughts that relate to what you are questioning. Set them free. You can only do so much to make things happen in life. When you feel you have done all you can it’s time to just let go.
After you let go you can look at what you set free with a clearer understanding. It will start to make more sense once you create some distance. Your mind can subconsciously process what it needs to without all the internal dialog interrupting constantly. It’s the same as when you can’t remember a name so you put it out of your mind and when you least expect it the name comes rushing back making you blurt it out loud. Have some faith in the magic of the Universes power. Sometimes things happen for reasons unclear to us. We need time to see why we didn’t walk down the path we thought was ours.
Trust your instincts! Do what feels right for you. You might be questioned from those standing on the side lines but again loosen your grip and let them slip! No one knows what’s best for you better than YOU! Staying true to yourself is all that matters in the end.
We get influenced by our fear of not having or doing what others perceive is right for us. We fear losing what we ‘had’ more than we have the insight to see what is ahead. ‘What-ifs‘ start to drift through our thoughts like the boogie man whispering…“careful there may not be another.” Don’t listen! What ever you let go of there will always be another ready to take its place whether it be a job, romance, sailboat, car, motorcycle, airplane ect. However, there is not another you so make you happy and all else will follow. In the end it either wasn’t meant to be or what you let go of will find its way back to you when the time is right.
There is always another romantic notion to ponder, job to explore, relationship to build or any other idea you let go of. When you have the courage to let go of something that doesn’t make you feel good or true to yourself, you are empowered by your action.
Just let go…and be ~
P.S..as you all know I receive Postcards from Gusto. I couldn’t NOT share this mornings with you…funny right? Check it out! Timing is truly everything ~
Tracy Westerholm
"Exploring the never-ending desires that fuel all life, while finding lyrical beauty in everyday happenings."
Thank you….Change is a challenge when we are looking for balance and continuity in our lives. Sometimes there is so much change that it is overwhelming and leaves us exhausted….Just a little peace and balance please!
Life is about learning and growing. When we are not growing we are dying…We can achieve Peace and Balance and still grow by opening our soul to receiving without drama. Just acknowledge the event, situation that is creating change and leave it to the Universe to do the rest. Replace those worrying and stressful thoughts that can be naturally triggered when perceived challenges present themselves with feelings of acceptance that “All is as it is supposed to be!”
Merci Ladies! 🙂
Tracy Westerholm
I have never feared change, but agree it can be a challenge when we don’t expect it. Peace and balance…ahhhh now that’s more like it! Ommmmm!
Svaha ~
Bonnie Johnson
Words of wisdom for sure!
I think we should all book mark this post and refer back to it often. Sometimes when we are in the midst of a storm it is hard to remember to let go but you are right Tracy, it works every time.
Warning: I may throw these words back at ya one day. 😉
Tracy Westerholm
Words of wisdom 🙂 You have been my living example for years that if I let it go back to the Universe it will all work out in the end for the better…
I love you xo
…and please do, anytime I will always listen 🙂