Happy Birthday Mom!
Today is my Moms birthday so I wanted to share a few things about her with you because she is a very special woman in my life. When I was a little girl I had a very hard time being away from my Mom. I was unable to make it through the night at any sleepover with girlfriends because I got very homesick just thinking about her. I never went to Brownie camp or Outdoor school because I just couldn’t be away from her. My Mom always came willingly, without question to pick me up each time and embraced me with a hug and kiss and never once made me feel bad about it. She offered to be my ‘excuse’ of why I wasn’t allowed to stay over because I was too embarrassed to tell anyone I was homesick for her. She was always there for me, and still is. She let me stay home from school when she could feel I was missing her, and now I do that for my daughter because I understand. Nothing was more important to her than love. My Mom is a very affectionate woman who has always got a hug, cuddle or back tickle waiting for anyone who asks. (well maybe not anyone :))
As I got older and more independent I learned a great deal more from her. She was/is a very strong business woman with natural leadership. I admire her strength and ability to do any job she takes on. She worked, ran a household and maintained a loving marriage for over 50 years! That is almost unheard of these days. I leaned the importance as a women to be self sufficient, independent and that I mattered! One thing my Mom said to me when I was in my teens has always stayed with me. It was basic and simple. She told me “God forbid if something ever happened to your Dad, I would survive”. She wanted me to know how important it was to love someone but to not depend on any one person to dictate your life, so that you were capable yourself of doing what you needed to, to stand on your own two feet.
I appreciated what my Mom did for me when I was young and now I understand, being a Mom myself. Over the years my Mom has given me great advice, most of the time I took it unless I was stretching my arms of independence. My Mom is a very generous soul who gives what she has to anyone in need. She has taught me to be independent, strong, loving, caring and most important to always try because when you try, you really see what you are capable of. Thanks Mom for being such a wonderful loving supportive person in my life, you’re so loved!

Happy Birthday ! We love you ~ xo
Tracy Westerholm
"Exploring the never-ending desires that fuel all life, while finding lyrical beauty in everyday happenings."
It Comes With Age ~
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Happy Birthday Gram, you are the Best ! I love you !
Happy Birthday, Jane!
Bonnie Johnson
Happy Birthday Jane! xo
Thanks everyone for the wishes. Tracy that was a very nice article, which I am sure only some parts are true. Scott I only noticed that the picture of the flowers you had taken lovely. It was your Dad who made that comment about me being able to survive without him, not me.xo