
There are so many beautiful amazing young girls out there who are making a difference in the world. They listen to their friends and give positive advice. They compliment one another. They are a comforting shoulder to cry on and hand out tissue when needed. They remind each other how important it is to be strong and supportive of other female energy. They empower one another! They take being a girlfriend seriously.

There has been so much sadness in the News this last week with the passing of Amanda Todd. She made a mistake or mistakes that ultimately should not have lead to her death. Young girls need to know they are not alone when it come to making mistakes. We all make mistakes as we navigate through the challenges of life. With each life lesson we learn a little bit more about who we are and what we are capable of. We learn to identify a true friend as we learn to become one ourselves. We grow and unfold as we face these challenges head on. Young girls need to know they matter!

It’s hard to understand while you are in the midst of being a teen that you will one day reflect on your path and the choices you made with a smile, but you will. You will smile, you will laugh and you will even say “Oh god, what was I thinking!”

Take time to reminder the young girls in your circle how important they are. We all go through tough times, it’s not just a teen thing! Grown ups make mistakes as well, we have just leaned not to be so hard on ourselves through experience. We are given opportunities every day to reach our hand out and help someone up! It is up to each of us to stop and take the time to recognize who needs a moment or simply a smile, a kind word or a helping hand.

Be kind and supportive of your friends whether they make mistakes or not because it’s the right thing to do.

Young girls need to band together to inspire and empower one another…here is a little video that shows us how precious our little girls really are!

My condolences to the Todd Family, they have lost their Princess ;(

"Exploring the never-ending desires that fuel all life, while finding lyrical beauty in everyday happenings."


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