Crazy Sexy Cancer!

TracyI came across the story about Kris Carr while surfing the Internet looking for something inspiring to write about.  Kris Carr is more than inspiring, she gives hope to those fighting the battle against Cancer.

Crazy Sexy Cancer is an uplifting documentary about a young woman looking for a cure and finding her life.

In 2003, at the age of 31, Kris Carr was diagnosed with a rare and incurable cancer.  Weeks later her story began.  She took a tragic situation and turned it into a creative expression, Kris shared her inspirational story of survival with courage, strength, and lots of humor.

With experimental treatment as her only option, Kris was determined to find answers where there were none.  She traveled throughout the country interviewing experts in alternative medicine as she tenaciously dove head first into a fascinating and often hilarious holistic world.   Along the way she met other inspiring young women also determined to become survivors.  Their stories are as poignant and exciting as the women who tell them.  As Kris’s amazing journey unfolds, she realizes that healing is about truly living rather than fighting.

Crazy Sexy Cancer is more than a thought provoking film, it’s an attitude! It’s about rising to the challenge of life and turning lemons into champagne. is a supercharged health hub filled with compassion, knowledge, and an anything-is-possible spirit.  Their mission is to bring  together amazing resources and cutting edge experts in one easy to navigate hot spot.  Each time you visit you’ll be greeted by Kris’ latest blog or by one of her righteous Blog Posse members or guests.  This site is amazing for information on how to really live your life in the moment!


"Exploring the never-ending desires that fuel all life, while finding lyrical beauty in everyday happenings."


  • Bonnie Johnson

    Thank you, thank you for the introduction to Kris Carr. I can’t wait to see her full documentary film. I absolutely LOVE her web site too!
    Timing is perfect for me as I’m reading so much about the power of mind right now.

    This is why I love being a part of Tara Cronica so much!!

  • jacquie

    I watched the video and now I’m just full and empty. Full of respect, awe, love and pride for this amazing woman. Empty because I unable to find words to express how sad I am for her. The world will be a lonelier place without her but so much better for having known her.
    Interesting that the video doesn’t show a conclusion. Maybe having one isn’t the point, after all?
    Aren’t we always saying it’s about the journey and what we learn along the way?

  • Samantha

    I saw this when I first got diagnosed with Cancer. I was so sad when I watched this. I thought she was amazing that she did a documentry of what she was going through. I first heard about this on Oprah! Then someone at my dads work printed off something about her and I thought she is truely an inspiration. She tried lots of alternative to treatments.

  • Tracy Westerholm

    The site is amazing isn’t it Jen ! I couldn’t decide which books to get ! I was impressed with how much information there was in one spot !! Thanks for sharing!

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