My Life Starts When My Eyes Close ~

Do you ever feel like your life starts when your eyes close. I do. It’s when every single thing in my life is left up to my imagination. I can play dress up and live anything my mind is willing to create. I just let go of who I am and become what I chose.

I remember as far back as 7 years old, when I loved to go to bed just to enter into my imagination. It was a sense of freedom which was safe and full of adventure. I would create scenarios in my mind and see where I was willing to take them. I wasn’t trying to escape from somewhere I didn’t want to be, it was like playing dress up with endless possibilities! After a while its like an orchestrated dance, everything just flows naturally. Its like an alternate reality. Drifting off into your imagination before you slip into a deep sleep is one of my favourite things to do. And when done to the music of Enya it’s simply fantastic!

Albert Einstein

I am a dreamer, surrounded by fluff and clouds, it’s who I am. At times I wear rose coloured glasses and I like it that way. I dream vividly and love the feeling when I wake, having escaped into another world that I cannot control. When my eyes open, my imagination sits and waits for its turn to recreate where it left off. It follows me, seeping into my day to day without notice. My brief smile, far away stare or moment of peace is the only sign it leaves behind.

Our imaginations are being set aside and lost in our world of reality. For our imaginations to flourish we need to use them or we will forget how. Imagine that!

"Exploring the never-ending desires that fuel all life, while finding lyrical beauty in everyday happenings."


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