Finding Lyrical Beauty in…Change ~

When I created May’s header and theme ‘Finding Lyrical Beauty in… Change’, it was meant to reflect all the changes that are happening in my life right now. I have never feared change. Change is a fresh start, a new beginning which moves you forward in life. It allows room for growth. Whether change was a new bedroom growing up after another move, a new friend or pair of shoes, I never looked at what I had before as a loss but what I gained with each change.

Tara Cronica is going to start undergoing some Change. We are unfolding and expanding all the time. Our first change will start today!

I will be sharing my voice on Wednesday and Thursday. Bonnie will grace the pages on Friday and Saturday, and Jacquie will get personal on Monday and Tuesday!  Sunday will remain the same with our Svaha Spirit Series which we all add our voice to. We have decided to each take two consecutive days which will give each of us a little more freedom. We can change our post or leave it for you an extra day!

Tara Cronica is one of my passions and I can’t tell you how much positive energy it has added to my life, I hope you feel the same! So here’s to Tara Cronica and Finding Lyrical Beauty in …Change.

"Exploring the never-ending desires that fuel all life, while finding lyrical beauty in everyday happenings."

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