Daddy’s Little Girl~

TracyIt seems that lately a lot of my male friends are either about to become a “Daddy” or just recently became one.  I melt each and every time they tell me how enormous their heart grew upon arrival of their “little girl”.  There is forever something special about the bond between a dad and his daughter.  Just as there is a special bond between a mom and her little boy, any way you look at it a parent and child experience love like no other.

I can relate to my dad friends because my daughter is a daddies little girl.  I have experienced the powerful love between a dad and his daughter with my own dad and now I get to experience it with my daughter.

When you spend as much time with your kids as I do or you work from home, everything from school seems to be addressed “To Mommy. It’s because I am the one they see the most.  Moms are usually the first to hear of everything that happens in their child’s day and unfortunately sometimes by the time dad comes in the door the moment has past or lost it’s excitement.  Similar to “I guess you had to be there”.  Kids need to know how important it is to share their excitement with daddy too.

I think dad’s get the bum deal when they miss the excitement that comes in the moment of their kids achievements, all because they are hard at work.  I was watching “Modern Family” and loved what Jay,one of the characters said, “90 percent of being a dad is just showing up”.  Isn’t that the truth!

Daddy’s hard at work while mom takes care of the bruised knee’s and endless other tasks on her list of things to do.  Mom gets most of the credit for doing everything, because they do do everything (at home) but without the dad’s who work hard all day we couldn’t do it nearly“as well”.

Every so often Daddy’s get the Grand Prize from their babes that makes their hearts melt right in their little hands!

All my new dad friends this is what you have to look forward to!!

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Thanks Scott for working so hard so that I was able to be at home and not miss out on any part of being a mom!

Tracy signiture

"Exploring the never-ending desires that fuel all life, while finding lyrical beauty in everyday happenings."


  • Rick

    This is really heart warming !
    Hats Of To Scott ! And All The Other Hard Working Dad’s Out There !

    Thanks For Bringing This Subject Up Tracy….. Theres A lot Of Women Out There Who Don’t Think Like This. ( No Offense Intended. )

  • Tracy Westerholm

    Can you feel the love here or what !!! Dad are equally as important as Moms to the balance and love our children need to grow up feeling confident and happy within themselves !! No matter what Team Work is required to raise and care for our precious little humans ! Isn’t life so incredible when you spread the love to one another !! XO huge hugs for everyone today !! The gift that just keeps giving lol…T xo

  • Lawrence Thomas

    Beautiful as always, Tracy. Love that artwork from Jordan, and the obvious connection between her and Scott. One of the goosebump moments.

    I love that this is what I have to look forward to. My two girls and the dog all attacking me at the door each night, is the best part of my day already. I can’t imagine heartfelt messages like your Jordan’s. She has a way with words. I think she comes by that honestly. 😉

  • kirk

    This was a great post Tracy… I just read it now. Having just become a new Dad… I have a beautiful little girl at home with my gorgeous wife… and I really do hate leaving for work in the morning.

    My little girl is just starting to smile when she see me and I tell ya…. my heart MELTS when she does that! The letter to Scott was so sweet, you are both so lucky to have wonderful kids.

    I am so grateful that my wife gets to stay home with my daughter, the long hours I’ve been pulling lately have made it worth while when I get text messages daily about my sweet little girls latest achievements! I get at least one or two pictures sent to me everyday of my little girl dressed in one of her very cute little outfits, I look forward to them and they never cease to put a smile on my face. (Whomever I’m working with gets to see them if they like it or not)

    I have a lot to learn, and seeing the letter your daughter wrote to Scott really made me smile. Thanks for posting such beautiful stories!

  • Tracy

    Awww Kirk thanks for the comment, and yes you do have a Beautiful wife and daughter !! Nova is so fortunate to be able to stay at home, I know for me it was the best experience EVER !! There is a huge aww factor for women when they see the love a man has for his wife and daughter, you ooze that love !!! I smile when I think of everything the three of you have ahead of you to experience together! Much love to your perfect family ! T xoxo

  • Peter Love

    I just had to let the people out there know about my song and video, “Daddy’s Little Girl.” You can hear the song on my website and see the video on YouTube by copying and pasting the following link to your PC’s browser or going directly to YouTube.

    Let me know if want a copy of the song or video. I will be more than happy to accommodate your request. I believe a father and daughter’s love is a blessing. 😉

    With love,
    Peter Love

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