Powerful Women vs Women in Power
“With great power there must also come –great responsibility.” ~ Stan Lee Not all Women in Power are Powerful Women. There are women who exude personal power naturally, and those who have to work for it. Those who come by…
Merry Christmas!
Girlfriends at My Side ~
I am on a path of Enlightenment just like the Goddess Arya Tara who we chose to represent us here on Tara Cronica over 3 years ago. I am growing and unfolding along the way, learning life lessons, making memories and expanding…
Want to Be a Guest Blogger on Tara Cronica?
Have you ever wanted to be a guest blogger? Now’s your chance! As you all may have noticed Jacquie has been absent from Tara Cronica lately. She is taking a break for a while which is why we are changing…
Authentically Yours,
Our second anniversary slipped past us quietly on the 31st of January. That was the date our very first post on Tara Cronica went up. January 31st 2009. No mention; no reflection. I think it may be due to the…
What’s Happening Out There?
It seems more often than not when I watch the News I feel sad and wonder what’s happening out there? Beautiful young girls are being beaten to death in broad daylight, gang raped while others just standing by and watch,…
Therapy Session ~
Happy Birthday Scott! (March 25) A year has past since I wrote a Birthday wish for you here on Tara Cronica and what a year it has been. We have moved in directions we weren’t aware even existed and have grown…
Gifts Are All Around Us
The big day is over. Phew! All the rushing around, Christmas baking, shopping (unless you are boxing day shopping today) and gift wrapping is now behind us for another year. Yesterday was a day of abundance for most of us;…
What is the point of a blog?
Each of us here at Tara Cronica lately have been hinting either in past blog posts or in our comments that the development of our blog has helped change us in ways we didn’t expect. Good ways. I think that…
Girlfriend Bonding Recipe
Girlfriend bonding is equally as important as spending time by yourself. It’s empowering to spend time with girlfriends sharing stories, swapping tips, giving opinions, and belly laughing for days in a row. I think I have found the perfect recipe…
Tara Cronica Ink’d at Genesis Designs Tattoo!
(Scroll down to see photos of the big day) Tracy Gets Inked! Today I got Inked!! (twice) I have wanted to for years and until now the design and placement has never seemed quite right. This was not a spontaneous…
Envy. How do you deal with it?
Bonnie’s Take~ Envy. Listed as one of the seven deadly sins along with pride, greed, lust, gluttony, anger and sloth. Guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty and guilty! (Not all at the same time but yes I’ve felt each of…
Love is Forever…by Lawrence Thomas
“I have been inspired by the writings of Lawrence Thomas and wanted to share his truthful, passionate words with you. He has touched my soul with this piece. Understanding the male perspective, a gift for me truly. I believe our…
If I could magically re-invent myself as anything I’d…
HAPPY EASTER EGG HUNTING !! Bonnie’s take~ For some reason this stage in many peoples lives (mid forties) seems to be ripe for re-invention. Maybe it’s because we realize “Whoa, we’re half way there/done.” There are many other factors that…
Do you have a Voice?
Since Bonnie, Jacquie and I started out on this journey of finding lyrical beauty in everyday happenings, something has happened to me. I have always had a voice that I was proud of, but I think now I have developed…