• Powerful Women vs Women in Power

    “With great power there must also come –great responsibility.” ~ Stan Lee Not all Women in Power are Powerful Women. There are women who exude personal power naturally, and those who have to work for it. Those who come by…

  • Girl-Power!

    There are so many beautiful amazing young girls out there who are making a difference in the world. They listen to their friends and give positive advice. They compliment one another. They are a comforting shoulder to cry on and…

  • Kick’em When You’re Down

    People often do uncharacteristic things when they are newly divorced or separated. Maybe they buy a flashy car, get drunk too often, sleep with people they don’t know, start a blog…but for me it was kick boxing. I may or…

  • Happy Birthday Mom!

    Today is my Moms birthday so I wanted to share a few things about her with you because she is a very special woman in my life. When I was a little girl I had a very hard time being away…

  • I Need to Change…Madonna.

    I Need to Change…We All Need to Change… Madonna is famous for change…  She continues to grow as a artist and person which is what I admire about her most.  Never Fear Change! Here is a video which explores the…

  • Do you have a Voice?

    Since Bonnie, Jacquie and I started out on this journey of finding lyrical beauty in everyday happenings, something has happened to me.  I have always had a voice that I was proud of, but I think now I have developed…

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