• Amen Sista!

    I had the pleasure of spending an afternoon hiking with a woman I have wanted to connect with for some time. We knew ‘of’ one another when we were in our late teens, her being a friend of my older…

  • Beating for Love ~

      When did I stop jumping into love with my eyes wide open, fearlessly filled with passion? Feeling the wind beneath my wings, sweeping me away has become a distant memory. I struggle to extend my arms to reach for…

  • Intimacy…

    Intimacy…the ultimate sexy! Being drawn to someone without control is a feeling that many of us only experience once in a lifetime. It’s a magical force between two who connect on a much deeper level. It’s not just about sexual…

  • Come Back Home ~

    I believe we all require time on our own when a relationship comes to an end, regardless of how long our chosen partner was a part of our life. Just like we need time on our own to grieve the…

  • Ryland Whittington ~

    Parenting is one of the most rewarding yet challenging trips you can take. It teaches us patience, understanding and allows our heart to grow bigger than we ever imagined. Love never runs out! This story made me smile from the…

  • Feelings ~ Thoughts ~ Words

    “Thoughts become things…choose the good ones” ~Notes from the Universe This is a quote I am aware of every single day. There are few moments in time that it does not stay at the forefront of my over active mind. It…

  • Thirteen!

    Happy 13th Birthday Jordan Rylie June 4th 2001! I am not quite sure how you went from this below….to that above? It blows my mind just thinking about it! Thirteen years ago today you changed my life. My family was complete…

  • Back to Basics ~

    I have had a great deal of inner dialog lately that seems to surface at unexpected times during my day. It feels like my subconscious is sending out warning signals, interrupting my thought process, trying to remind me to stay…

  • If I Should have a Daughter ~ TEDTalk

    WOW a Young Woman of Wisdom! A performing poet, Sarah Kay only 14 years old has been here before with her inner wisdom that shines through her being.

  • Transition…

    I know when it happened for me, looking back in this moment, it was long awaited. The transition of understanding a higher level of what real love can be and the meaning or feelings behind it. Loving another unconditionally without any…

  • Landmarks in Life ~

    We are all part of Landmark events; the birth of a child, a wedding, the passing of a loved one, a success in life. Each waypoint becomes a memorable time in life waiting to be revisited when we feel the…

  • 2014 The Year of Being Content!

    Relaaaaaax…what could go wrong? We spend so much time thinking and not doing, holding back, not taking chances. We fear the unknown, we hide our eyes, we no longer seek the truth, we wait and worry. Music takes me to…

  • Forever Changing…

    When you let go of expectation in life, things change. Expectation breeds disappointment. Disappointment stops us from taking chances. Most of us have taken a chance with our hearts but not without fear that the crack we have already tried…

  • “Jealous Of The Angels”

    I posted this last year but felt the need to re share it with you as a reminder that Monday is NOT a holiday but a day to remember those who came before us, and those who give themselves today…

  • Top 5 Regrets…Listen Up & Take Notes!

    There is no time for regret in life and although we all have a few, here is some insight to help lighten the load! I found this on LinkedIn and I felt the need to share because thats what I…

  • Life is Fleeting…

    We can’t go anywhere without reading a quote of some sort telling us to Live, Love or Laugh, do this, say that. Facebook is notorious for messages, so much so that even I have stopped reading all of them because…

  • Challenge Yourself ~

    No matter what challenges appear before me, I will survive. Whether the challenge is career based, facing rejection in matters of the heart, or financial reconstruction, life goes on. Life is about connections, forming relationships whether in business or personal…

  • Finding Lyrical Beauty in…Life

    Okay seriously? Really? Can we just move forward and be done with all the lessons in life for just a little while! I need a breather here! I am pretty sure my Karmic debt was paid in full at the…

  • Svaha S.S ~ Love is All You Need!

    My daughter shared this video with me, I had to pass it on. It is an important message that unfortunately is still not embraced by everyone in the world in which we live. Love is all you really need! When…

  • Appreciate What You Have ~

    My glass is always half full! I consciously look for the lesson in unfavourable circumstances and can usually pop my head above the swirling chaotic clouds to see the sun-shining bright in the distance. If I do get swayed to…

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