• Powerful Women vs Women in Power

    “With great power there must also come –great responsibility.” ~ Stan Lee Not all Women in Power are Powerful Women. There are women who exude personal power naturally, and those who have to work for it. Those who come by…

  • Back to Basics ~

    I have had a great deal of inner dialog lately that seems to surface at unexpected times during my day. It feels like my subconscious is sending out warning signals, interrupting my thought process, trying to remind me to stay…

  • Girl-Power!

    There are so many beautiful amazing young girls out there who are making a difference in the world. They listen to their friends and give positive advice. They compliment one another. They are a comforting shoulder to cry on and…

  • Girlfriends at My Side ~

    I am on a path of Enlightenment just like the Goddess Arya Tara who we chose to represent us here on Tara Cronica over 3 years ago. I am growing and unfolding along the way, learning life lessons, making memories and expanding…

  • Do Vancouver Men Really Suck?

    I was watching Global News the week of Valentines and they had a series called ‘The Things We Do For Love’ which covered all the basis from the pursuit to married with child. Did you know there was such a…

  • The Truth Shall Set You Free…

    I didn’t get where I am today which is a pretty sweet place in life without a whole lot of honesty. It wasn’t always easy but looking back worth it. Honesty and truth always get you further than dishonesty. Avoiding…

  • The Man Rules ~

    I was working on a post about Taking Chances but I am not finished yet and I hate to be rushed so it’s sitting in the drafts file percolating. I am feeling dumb and cheerful today so we will just…

  • Girlfriend Threesomes!

    Have you ever been involved in a Girlfriend Threesome? It can be a lot of fun, confusing, or upsetting if you’re not careful. Each girlfriend needs to be aware and conscious of the others feelings when girlfriend threesomes exist! I…

  • Do You Have A Filter?

    I have a girlfriend who doesn’t have a filter and constantly gets chastised for it. She just says it how it is, and I guess some people just aren’t comfortable with her honesty. Do you ever wonder what a day…

  • Women Who Have Shaped Me

    Tomorrow is Mothers Day.  I’ve been thinking about my mom and how she has helped shape my life.  A mother is a powerful influence on her daughter in many far reaching ways.  Some positive, some maybe not so positive, but…

  • The Making of a Girlfriend ~

    I have been watching the dynamics of my daughter and her girlfriends lately and it’s made me aware once again how difficult it can be finding the right group of girlfriends, as a young girl or as a grown woman.…

  • What To Do When Your Girlfriend Dumps You~

    Have you ever been dumped by your Girlfriend? I think it would be worse than being dumped by your boyfriend but that’s just me. I have never been dumped by a girlfriend, that I was aware of. Girlfriend tend to drift…

  • Touch Me ~ Hug Me!!

    I was enjoying coffee with a couple of girlfriends, sharing stories, when one of them admitted to being really touchy.  Not sensitive touchy but touchy feely.  I did actually noticed that she was very touchy a few times, but it…

  • The Truth About Power!

    I was reading ‘O magazine’ the other night and found a great article on ‘Power People’ that I found interesting and wanted to share with you. Selected Power People were asked to finish sentences and here are a few examples. …

  • Girlfriend Bonding Recipe

    Girlfriend bonding is equally as important as spending time by yourself.  It’s empowering to spend time with girlfriends sharing stories, swapping tips, giving opinions, and belly laughing for days in a row.  I think I have found the perfect recipe…

  • Where Did You Meet Your Girl Friends?

    Jacquie’s take~ Growing up I never had much difficulty finding friends.  Even as a small child I think I had the ‘disease to please’ and so I know I kinda went along with any game plan that was put on…

  • ‘Friends with Benefits’

    When I first started writing this post I had a humorous view but when I weighed my options of making a point that I feel is very important and finding humour in almost anything, my humorous view almost flew out…

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