Powerful Women vs Women in Power
“With great power there must also come –great responsibility.” ~ Stan Lee Not all Women in Power are Powerful Women. There are women who exude personal power naturally, and those who have to work for it. Those who come by…
Girlfriends at My Side ~
I am on a path of Enlightenment just like the Goddess Arya Tara who we chose to represent us here on Tara Cronica over 3 years ago. I am growing and unfolding along the way, learning life lessons, making memories and expanding…
Therapy Session ~
Happy Birthday Scott! (March 25) A year has past since I wrote a Birthday wish for you here on Tara Cronica and what a year it has been. We have moved in directions we weren’t aware even existed and have grown…
Image is Everything ~ Arya Tara
There are literally thousands of representations of the Goddess Arya Tara to be found on the internet, in print form and as statues. She is the oldest Goddess still worshiped extensively in modern times and can be found in pretty…
Envy. How do you deal with it?
Bonnie’s Take~ Envy. Listed as one of the seven deadly sins along with pride, greed, lust, gluttony, anger and sloth. Guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty and guilty! (Not all at the same time but yes I’ve felt each of…