• The Truth about Love…

    I walked nervously into the room to meet him for the very first time. I had a feeling about who he may be. It was that feeling that had been missing for a very long time. I was dangerously close…

  • Past Lives…part two.

    Past Lives…part one. (last weeks post) Past Lives…part two. I felt a tear slowly forge a path down my cheek as her hypnotic voice asked me to move forward in time once again. I didn’t want to move forward, I wasn’t…

  • Raising a Teenager…

    First things first, Mom and Dad, I love and appreciate everything you ever did for me growing up! You Rocked as parents! I loved hanging out with you. Our house always felt safe. Having kids of my own entering their teens I…

  • What is Love?

    What is Love? There are various kinds of love; Passionate love, Lustful love, Brotherly love, Mother’s love, Compassionate love, Unconditional love, the list goes on. When I go out walking I see the same elderly man pushing his wife in…

  • Where Did You Meet Your Girl Friends?

    Jacquie’s take~ Growing up I never had much difficulty finding friends.  Even as a small child I think I had the ‘disease to please’ and so I know I kinda went along with any game plan that was put on…

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