Ryland Whittington ~
Parenting is one of the most rewarding yet challenging trips you can take. It teaches us patience, understanding and allows our heart to grow bigger than we ever imagined. Love never runs out! This story made me smile from the…
A Feeling…
Music fills the air as I let go of this world and start my journey into the night. I become weightless as I float gently through an opening in the clouds. I have no conscious thoughts as I free myself…
Challenge Yourself ~
No matter what challenges appear before me, I will survive. Whether the challenge is career based, facing rejection in matters of the heart, or financial reconstruction, life goes on. Life is about connections, forming relationships whether in business or personal…
Expose Yourself
Bonnie exposed herself last week…don’t rush and click the link to see a naked picture of her, I mean emotionally. Women tend to share their fears and insecurities with other women, which takes courage and confidence. You take the chance…
Big Dreams Really Do Come True!
If you love music as much as I do you probably watched American Idol at some point this year. I got hooked the first time I saw Philip Phillips audition. He blew me away, reminding much of Dave Matthews who…
The Evolution of the Butterfly ~
Hope. It allows us to stay connected to our dreams. Without dreams we have nothing. Life as we all know can get crazy which sometimes makes me question why we’re here, what’s our purpose? We are tiny little specs all…
In the Light of the Moon ~
His words captivated me from the very first moment. He drew me in ever so gently with the soft flow of our conversation. Subtle innuendos floated between us, stimulating a depth to each verse that was written. I cautiously read…
This months pretty header, created by Tracy, is “finding lyrical beauty in dreams” which has brought back a memory of her and I eating mangoes for breakfast and telling each other about our previous night’s dreams. This memory is from…
The Angel in the Clock ~
I was visiting my friend Tim via Facebook the other day and saw a post on his page with the words; The Angel in the Clock…A Fairytale about Time. How could I not click on that. Life doesn’t always give…
Fear is the Thief of Dreams…Gandhi ~
I was talking to a man-friend of mine about living life with no fear. We both agreed there is no other way to live. He believes “fear usually lives in things unfinished or never done.” I think timing can also play…
It’s Your Choice…if you can make it.
I was talking to a male friend of mine the other night about a number of different topics and something he said stayed with me. “Failure for me is not an option”. He doesn’t see anything ending in failure. He…
Her Imagical Power
“I’d love to write a book one day” she said. “So would everyone else” he replied. “I know she’s famous but I could see myself being friends with her one day” she said. He laughed “So could everyone else.” “One…
Svaha Spirit Series ~Follow Your Dreams~
Olympic athlete (The Luge) Ruben Gonzalez is in the Motivational Speakers Hall of Fame. After watching this video and surfing through his website www.thelugeman.com, I can see why. His website is incredibly motivational! Ruben is training for the 2010 Vancouver…
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish!
You may have already seen this speech but it’s worth seeing a second time. This is one of those inspiring video’s that leaves you feeling lifted! I think it’s fitting being that Graduation is in the air! I will attend…
Love is Forever…by Lawrence Thomas
“I have been inspired by the writings of Lawrence Thomas and wanted to share his truthful, passionate words with you. He has touched my soul with this piece. Understanding the male perspective, a gift for me truly. I believe our…
Dreams really do come true
I don’t remember how old I was the first time I heard the song “Over the rainbow” but I was very young, maybe 4 or or 5 years old. Like most people I heard it for the first time…