“For the Love of a Son” ~ Scott Oake
This is a must read to anyone navigating the path of addiction or recovery, whether it be themselves or walking with a friend or family member. Scott Oake gives us an up close and personal look at his families lived…
Walk With…
My heart is in my throat, tears stream down my cheeks, hand softly placed on my chest as I sit with my emotions.
The Opposite of Addiction is Connection
No matter how difficult your struggle seems, when you acknowledge it and share, tomorrow comes with the rising sun and you begin another day a little lighter.
What Are You Addicted To?
Since the recent death of Whitney Houston there has been a lot of talk on the airwaves about addiction. It hasn’t been confirmed yet, but most of us assume the root cause of her death was her addiction to drugs…
The Pied Piper of CNN – Piers Morgan
Disclaimer and Warning: The following post may or may not shatter any previous conceptions you may or may not have held that I am a nice, kind, gentle, at times even spiritual person. The following post will dispel all notions…