• De Oirish ~

    ‘Appy St Paddy’s Day everyone! Oi ‘ill try ter write me entire post the-day wi’ an Oirish accent. Top o’ the mornin’ to you! Oi love de Oirish accent more than any other! Bono, Colin Farrell, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers an’ Liam…

  • Past Lives…

    As my conscious mind relaxed, I felt myself gently stepping down a spiral staircase. A soft feminine voice in the background lead me slowly to the bottom. I thoughts drifted back in time where I felt most comfortable. I belonged…

  • Past Lives…part two.

    Past Lives…part one. (last weeks post) Past Lives…part two. I felt a tear slowly forge a path down my cheek as her hypnotic voice asked me to move forward in time once again. I didn’t want to move forward, I wasn’t…

  • Remembrance Day

    ~ Remembrance Day Poem ~ Grandpa pinned a pretty poppy On his big black coat today, He always stands up straighter When he wears that coat that way, He was humming to his friends again so soft that no one…

  • Movember ~ Making a Difference in Mens Health ~ Repost ;{

    We love the strength of our male energy. They protect us instinctively without even thinking about it. They stand tall when looked upon to hold us together. They dissipate our fears, and lessen our pain by just being present. Even…

  • My Mo…for the Day! Repost ;{

    Movember…I am a woman of my word. A couple of weeks ago I somehow got bamboozled into wearing a moustache for the day. Today’s the day! My friend Drew will be making a donation to Movember and so should you!…

  • Movember ~ Repost ;{

    Ladies are you wondering why there is an overwhelming number of itchy faced 70’s porn-star moustache adorning men around lately? No there is not a 70’s porn feature film in town, and it’s not the play-offs, it’s much more exciting…

  • Deeper Connections…

    Deeper connections are what I seek as I age gracefully. I feel a sense of calm in who I have become and hear my Mothers tone as I speak my truth. I never understood until recently how she managed to…

  • Jesse Jagger…

    From the moment I knew my first child was growing inside me, I felt blessed. A chapter began in my life that would be like no other. I loved being pregnant more than anything I have done in all my…

  • Home

    Do you ever feel you are so far away from Home, yet you are sitting on the edge of your own bed? You reflect of what once was and what now is. Connecting all the physical dots is easy, if…

  • Bare Your Soul ~

    I lay in the warmth of a cloud, a peaceful breeze whisper to my skin as I drift in and out of consciousness. The rumble of a train fades into the distance as I shift to find you. The dawn chorus…

  • Round Hole Square Peg

    How long do we need to continue putting a square peg into a round hole before we throw it up in the air and try something different? We all learn as babies how this works. Triangle shape fits into a…

  • Challenge Me…

    What makes certain men feel the need to challenge the words or actions of the woman they find attractive? It would be so much easier to just go with the flow and agree, let them have their way! If men…

  • Life is a Journey ~

    She was born pure at heart, mind, body and soul. She would walk a path that was to teach her lessons she so deeply needed to learn. Lessons she signed up for long before birth. She had an agreement with…

  • Dating an Independent Woman

    A Man I spent some time with brought this over and read it to me. He said it helped him to understand me a little better…he is no longer around but not because of this. 🙂 1. Expect her to…

  • The Dalai Lama

    Dalai Lama’s eighteen rules for living. 1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk. 2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson. 3. Follow the three Rs: 1. Respect for self 2. Respect for others…

  • The Epitome of a Man

    He arrived true to who he was. His look made her giggle like a school girl who balanced on the edge of desire. She watched him for a moment as he set his ride to the side. He slowly exposed…

  • Amen Sista!

    I had the pleasure of spending an afternoon hiking with a woman I have wanted to connect with for some time. We knew ‘of’ one another when we were in our late teens, her being a friend of my older…

  • The Heart of Passion…

    He appears out of nowhere with his heart exposed fearlessly pounding in my presence. His words lure me closer, tempting me to engage my deepest desires. His eyes ravage my fearful thoughts, as they look so deep into mine. It…

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